- Tickets
Tickets for trains arriving in or departing from Salamanca can be purchased on Renfe. When selecting the train station for Salamanca, you may want to choose “Salamanca” as your station of arrival and/or departure. This is the stop at the train station. Beware that the Renfe website also shows the stop “Salamanca-La Alamedilla,” which is just a further stop but not at the train station!
- Train Station
Vialia Estación de Tren de Salamanca
Paseo de la Estación 122, 37004 – Salamanca
(+34) 923 015 513; info@vialiasalamanca.es
There is a taxi rank outside the main entry door.
The train station houses a few restaurants and shops.
The train station is between 20 and 28 minutes away from the city centre.
- Tickets
The route Madrid-Salamanca/Salamanca-Madrid is managed by Avanza Bus. You can find more information about the timetable on this link (FYI: the website might not show any available tickets if the travel date is not soon enough).
For other connections with Salamanca, you may want to check out Alsa.
- Bus Station
Estación de Autobuses de Salamanca
Avenida Filiberto Villalobos, 71, 37007 – Salamanca
(+34) 923236717; informacionestacionautobusessalamanca.es
There is a taxi rank outside the main entry door.
For late arrivals: Conveniently, there is a Carrefour Express shop next to the main entry that opens until late.
The station is fairly close to the city centre, just around a fifteen-minute walk away.
- Taxi services in Salamanca
Radio Taxi Salamanca (+34) 923 25 00 00
How to get around Salamanca?
Salamanca is a relatively small city, where the main sites of interest (and our seminar venue) are within walkable distance. We invite you to walk and enjoy the charm of the golden streets of Salamanca. This is the best way to discover both the big imposing wonders and the hidden gems of this World Heritage city.
If you prefer public transport, you might want to hop on one of the urban buses that connect different areas of the city.